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The Human Rights Situation of Xie Yanyi’s Wife and Child

December 10, 2016

Human rights lawyer Xie Yanyi went missing in July 2015 as part of the 709 crackdown; it was not until January 2016 that his family finally received official notice of his arrest. Not only were his family members denied the right to hire a lawyer; they were also followed and surveilled 24 hours a day, and were frequently abused and threatened. Furthermore, Xie’s wife Yuan Shanshan was twice taken away to the police station: on one such occasion, she was detained without legal procedure for three days while she was pregnant; for one day during her detention she was denied water, food, and access to the toilet.  




  1. 我被抓进两次派出所,最多一次关3天,不给任何的法律手续,其中一天不给孕期的我提供水、食物、不让上厕所。
  2. 我在看守所被武警拖出来扔到地上。
  3. 我躲避追踪抓捕带着5个月女儿流浪一个月。
  4. 北京国宝到我娘家骚扰,包括三姑六大爷。
  5. 我被辱骂、恐吓多次。
  6. 我及3个孩子被逼迁多次。
  7. 在我家各方,出行路口安装8个以上摄像头
  8. 10月21日开始公安局在我家附近租两套房子,24小时,4小时一班跟踪、追踪,监控我包括孩子(最大的12岁)。
  9. 公安局无牌照车几个月如一日的24小时在我家楼下蹲守。
  10. 这一切在我家都在继续,真心希望我家是最后为人权法治填坑的。


