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Open Letter from Scholars Inside and Outside China in Support of Shenzhen Workers Demanding to Form Labor Union

August 1, 2018

More than 100 scholars inside and outside China have joined a growing domestic campaign to call for the release of workers at the Jasic factory in Shenzhen, who have been detained for demanding to form their own labor union to protect their rights. On July 27, seven of the workers, and 23 supporters were taken into custody and have been charged with “picking quarrels and provoking troubles.” In this open letter, the scholars urge the Shenzhen municipal government and the Shenzhen federation of trade unions to:

  • immediately release the workers and their supporters, and drop the charges against them;
  • severely punish the police and factory personnel for their unlawful treatment of the workers and their supporters, compensate the workers for their losses economically and mentally caused by their inability to work normally, and publicly apologize to the workers;
  • implement the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China and support the legal demands of workers at Jasic Co. to form their own labor union.

For more information, please see:
Peking University Student Group Reports Widening Support for Detained Jasic Workers;
30 Shenzhen Workers and Supporters Detained for Demanding to Form Labor Union;
Shenzhen Workers Demanding to Form Labor Union Achieved an Initial Victory



然而,到了7月,坪山区总工会干部和佳±科技管理人员却指控工友自行筹建工会属违法行为。随后,厂方对筹建工会的员工采取非法调岗、开除、恐吓、抹黑等手段进行报复,警察则非法殴打、扣押,甚至以寻衅滋事罪刑拘建会工友和到现场声援的热心人士。截至目前,仍有30名被刑拘的建会工人、声援工人和学生未恢复人身自由 (名单附于信末)。












1. 潘 毅,香港香港大学,社会学系教授*
2. 邱林川,香港香港中文大学,新闻与传播学院教授*
3. 陈慧玲,香港理工大学,应用社会科学系助理教授*
4. 李民骐,美国犹他大学,经济系教授
5. 许 淮,美国霍华德大学,经济系教授
6. 王行坤,天津工业大学外国语学院,讲师
7. 刘建洲,上海进步学者
8. 陈玉洁,英国莱斯特大学,媒体及社会学院讲师*
9. 孟冰纯,英国伦敦政治经济学院,媒体及传播系副教授*
10. 陈敬慈,香港城市大学,应用社会学副教授
11. 萧裕均,香港理工大学,应用社会科学系助理教授*
12. 许 辉,德国耶拿·弗里德里希·席勒大学,学者*
13. 叶荫聪,香港岭南大学,文化研究系助理教授
14. 陈信行,台湾世新大学,社会发展研究所教授
15. 梁旭明,香港岭南大学,文化研究系副教授
16. 冯建三,台湾政治大学,新闻系教授
17. 徐进钰,台湾台湾大学,地理学系教授
18. 张春炎,台湾国立暨南国际大学,东南亚学系助理教授
19. 戴瑜慧,台湾交通大学,传播与科技系助理教授
20. 林宗弘,台湾中央研究院,社会学研究所副研究员
21. 刘纪蕙,台湾交通大学,社会与文化研究所教授
22. 张跃然,美国加州大学伯克利分校,社会学系博士生
23. 梁汉柱,香港浸会大学,社会学系首席讲师


1. Pun Ngai, Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong*
2. Jack Qiu, School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong*
3. Jenny Chan, Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University*
4. Yujie Julie Chen, University of Leicester*
5. Ivan Franceschini, the Australian National University and Ca' Foscari University of Venice
6. Ralph Litzinger, Duke University
7. Bingchun Meng, London School of Economics and Politics Science*
8. Jonathan Unger, Australian National University
9. Alexander Day, Occidental College
10. Hui XU, Friedrich Schiller University Jena*
11. Rebecca E Karl, Professor, New York University
12. Seagh Kehoe, University of Nottingham
13. Trebor Scholz, the New School
14. Anita Chan, Australian National University
15. Gianluigi Negro, Università Della Svizzera Italiana
16. Christian Fuchs, Westminster University
17. Kaxton Y. Siu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University*
18. Eileen Boris, University of California Santa Barbara
19. Doris Lee, City University of Hong Kong
20. Jacob Eyferth, University of Chicago
21. Daniel Vukovich, Hong Kong University
22. Michael Burawoy, University of Califotnia, Berkeley
23. Julie Greene, University of Maryland at College Park
24. Jean-Philippe Béja, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
25. William P. Jones, University of Minnesota
26. Michael Honey, University of Washington Tacoma
27. Leslie Sklair, London School of Economics
28. Richard P. Appelbaum, University of California Santa Barbara
29. Sora Kim, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
30. William I. Robinson, University of California Santa Barbara
31. Devi Sacchetto, University of Padua
32. Stephen C. K. Chan, Lingnan University
33. Elaine Hui, Pennsylvania State University
34. Ruth Milkman, CUNY Graduate Center
35. Stephen Nugent, Goldsmiths University
36. Nik Theodore, University of Illinois at Chicago
37. Mark Graham, University of Oxford
38. Eli Friedman, Cornell University
39. Christian Sorace, Colorado College
40. Kevin Yang, University of Essex
41. Nicholas Loubere, Lund University
42. Darwin Tsen, Carthage College
43. Brian Hioe, Independent Scholar
44. Maggie Clinton, Middlebury College
45. Tim Bartley, Washington University in St. Louis
46. Hongwei Bao, The University of Nottingham
47. Jeb Sprague, University of California Santa Barbara
48. Bridget Fowler, University of Glasgow
49. Nelson Lichtenstein, University of California, Santa Barbara
50. Meaghan Morris, University of Sydney
51. Imre Szeman, University of Waterloo
52. Fuk Ying Tse, University of Warwick
53. Peter Birke, University of Göttingen
54. Daniel Fuchs, University of London
55. Thung-Hong Lin, Academia Sinica
56. Fabio Lanza, University of Arizona
57. David Brophy, University of Sydney
58. Elly Leung , University of Western Australia
59. Zhang Shuchi, The University of Essex
60. Chloe Froissart, Tsinghua University
61. Lee Youngchae, Keisen University
62. Manfred Elfstrom, Harvard University
63. Jon Solomon, Université de Lyon
64. Lee Kim-Ming, Community College of City University
65. LEE Chun Wing, Hong Kong Community College
66. CHEN Kuanhsing, Center for Asia-Pacific/ Cultural Studies, Hsinchu
67. Lin Liyun, Center for Asia-Pacific/ Cultural Studies, Hsinchu
68. Yueran Zhang, University of California, Berkeley
69. Bill Taylor, City University of Hong Kong
70. Tianzhu Nie, City University of Hong Kong
71. King-wa Fu, The University of Hong Kong
72. Ian Cook, University of Exeter
73. Kenneth Ng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
74. Regina Chung, The University of Hong Kong
75. Wanning Sun, University of Technology Sydney
76. Susanne YP Choi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
77. Yunbing He, City University of Hong Kong
78. Geoffrey Pleyers, Catholic University of Louvain
79. Andrew F. Jones, University of California, Berkeley
80. Qiaochu Li, Renmin University of China
81. Tim Pringle, Soas, University of London
