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Statement Regarding Criminal Coercive Measures Imposed by the Public Security Department against Jiang Tianyong

December 16, 2016

Jin Bianling, wife of detained human rights defense lawyer Jiang Tianyong, has released a statement in response to the December 16 report published by “The Paper,” a state run media outlet, on Jiang’s situation. The report describes the imposition of criminal coercive measures against Jiang, as well as his guilty plea in response to the charges of “possession of state secrets” and “leaking state secrets to foreigners.” Jin’s statement argues that the authorities have not only lied but also attempted to frame Jiang; she further expresses concern that the authorities may have tortured her husband in order to extract a confession from him.





1. 江天勇失踪后,家人和律师一直依法向公安机关报案失踪,当局皆拒绝受理并设置各种障碍,家人在此期间从未获得任何来自官方的通知,甚至查抄住处也没有任何家属在场。官方消息称已向家属两次送达通知实属弥天大谎。

2. 我认为公安机关所有的造谣抹黑的指控,皆是一种莫须有的构陷,是对江天勇长期以来维权工作的报复和打压。

3. 报道称“公安机关说,江天勇已承认相关违法犯罪事实。”以我对江天勇的了解,江绝对不会做出“自证其罪”的供述,他很可能已经遭到严重的刑讯逼供。


声明人: 江天勇太太 金变玲
