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HRIC in the Media

Excerpted from CNSNews : The advocacy group Human Rights in China (HRIC) reports that several leading dissidents have also been placed under house arrest, put under round-the-clock surveillance or forbidden to travel. It said police took one man, writer and former "June Fourth prisoner" Wu Gaoxing...
Excerpted from LA Times : Ding Zilin , whose 17-year-old son was killed in the crackdown and who now heads the group Tiananmen Mothers , was told to leave Beijing until the anniversary passed, said the New York-based group Human Rights in China. Access to the full text of this article may require a...
Excerpted from Deutsche Presse-Agentur via Monsters and Critics : The ruling Communist Party still claims that many innocent civilians and soldiers died in the crackdown, but it appeared that some civilians who were not protestors died at the hands of the army, and not all by accident. Most deaths...
Excerpted from Guardian : "The six-month shutdown sends a chilling warning to all lawyers that the authorities will not tolerate any perceived challenges to their power. This is not the path to a rule of law," said Sharon Hom, executive director of New York-based Human Rights In China. The group...
Excerpted from AFP : New York-based Human Rights in China said the firm may have been punished because some of its lawyers had signed an appeal in August 2008 calling for direct elections in the Beijing Lawyers Association, a government administered body. "The six-month shutdown sends a chilling...
Excerpted from Reuters (via AsiaOne) : Some lawyers at the firm, Yitong, had also been involved in calling for direct elections to the state-controlled Beijing Lawyer's Association, which had angered the government, the New York-based group Human Rights in China said in a statement. "The six-month...
Excerpted from Telegraph : Human Rights in China, a New York-based organisation, said the firm may have been punished because some of its lawyers had signed an appeal in August 2008 calling for direct elections in the Beijing Lawyers Association, a government-administered body. "The six-month...
Excerpted from International Trade Union Confederation : According to Human Rights in China (HRIC), Mr. Yao was initially charged with "gathering a crowd to disrupt social order" and then sentenced in May 2003 to seven years in prison for "subversion of State power" for alleged involvement in the...
Excerpted from AFP : [ Yao Fuxin ] was detained in 2002 after speaking at a peaceful demonstration involving at least 5,000 workers from six factories in Liaoyang city, where he lived and worked, the New York-based Human Rights in China said. HRIC said he had been demanding back wages and pension...
Excerpted from Actualidad : Yao Fuxin , conocido activista por los derechos de los trabajadores chinos, salió de prisión tras cumplir los siete años de cárcel a los que fue condenado en el 2002 por encabezar unas protestas obreras en el noreste de China, informó la organización Human Rights in...


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