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Netizen Info on Resumed Trial of Three Asset Transparency Advocates

December 3, 2013

The trial of Liu Ping (刘萍), Wei Zhongping (魏忠平), and Li Sihua (李思华) resumed today at the Yushui District People’s Court in Xinyu, Jiangxi Province. It is scheduled to continue tomorrow.

HRIC has compiled and translated the following Weibo postings by the defendants’ supporters and lawyers, and Liu Ping’s family, which provide details on the events of the day.

A Weibo user in Xinyu reports that a netizen called Luo Wenyi came to support the trial and has been taken away by Xinyu police:

【紧急关注!】湖南网友罗文义来新余围观刘-萍,魏忠平,李思华案,现已被新余警方带走,请全国网友关注!他的电 话:13787324597 @刘萍家属 @刘书贵28 @超级低俗tufu @郑建伟律师 @我和我的小老虎1382182978 @我爱克里特
12月2日 21:55来自新浪微博

Weibo users report that defense witnesses are being watched and individuals—not clear whether it is police or others—are stationed outside of their residences, restricting their movement. Acquaintances who try to visit these witnesses have been taken or turned away. At least four people who tried to approach the court this morning have been taken away. Dozens of supporters are near the court. Police have erected barriers on the road leading to the Yushui District Court. There are about 100 police in the area surrounding the court, most of whom were in plain clothes. Another user reports that Internet access around the court has been blocked and people could only make phone calls:

@秀才江湖2015: 通过刘案的开庭,让我们一起见证人治社会荒唐的奇迹!刘案的证人刘喜珍说她和其他证人邹桂琴、李雪梅都处于严密控制之中,楼下都有很多衙役看守,网友一到 她家楼下,就被衙役带走。通往渝水区法院的道路已经被衙役设置路障,以阻止公众前往围观。

新余前线传来消息,渝水区法院附近网络被屏蔽,只能打电话,上不了网导致发不出任何图片。长沙过去声援的网友刘一木、雾夜飞鹰、吴文华及 新余刘喜珍已被抓走。另外告知封锁线在起马离法院500米之外

新余前线在离法院300米左右的一个地方发来消息,渝水区法院周边现场至少一百个以上便衣和警察,且以便衣占大多数。而围观的网友及人士 最多几十个,他们说暂时还安全。之前被抓的吴文华因刚拿出横幅准举即被便衣控制,刘一木和雾夜飞鹰前去说理随即一起被带走。

According to sources close to Liu Xizhen, one of the defendant witnesses, she was detained for over 10 hours and was released in the evening. She was taken around 8:00 a.m. or so to the Zhushan police station in Xinyu and was kept at the office of the security section, while personnel from the steel factory in Xinyu guarded her. Other supporters were detained at the Zhushan police station, two of whom have been released while the whereabouts of at least two others are unknown:

刘ping的证人刘喜珍失去自由10几个小时后,刚回到家,我刚和她联系,以下是我刚得到的消息:刘喜珍早上八点多被抓到新余珠珊派出 所,后被新余钢铁厂的人控制在保卫科办公室。李小玲、刘一木、雾夜飞鹰等来围观的网友都被关在珠珊派出所,刘一木、雾夜飞鹰已经放了,李 小玲、周莉结局未知,刘一木受了伤
今天 19:36

Liu Ping's initial lawyer, Zhang Xuezhong, was in Xinyu to attend the trial but he was not allowed to enter courtroom, so he left:


Just before 4:00 p.m. today, Liu Ping's family's Weibo account states that the family and the lawyers will fight to have the court allow observers and reporters. It calls for solidarity to oppose secret trials:


Lawyer Yang Xuelin says the court only gave two observer passes to each family, erected five layers of barricades outside the court, and imposed security inspection that required people to take off their shoes when entering the court room. There were only six family members of the defendants while the identity of the rest of the people in the court room remains unknown:

从湖南双峰的法庭转战到江西新余的法庭,发现两个法院对待公开审判真是冰火两重天。双峰涉黑案,任何公民凭身份证均可进入旁听;新余举牌 案,每家只发两张旁听证,经过五道防线,脱鞋安检,始得进入。除了六位家属,其他座位不知何人。

At 4:20 p.m., lawyer Si Weijiang reports in a Weibo post that all three defendants plead not guilty during the morning session. In the afternoon session, defense lawyers asked the court to explain how it decides on who can observe the trial, considering that the observers in the court today are almost exactly the same people who observed the first trial, even sitting in almost exactly the same seats. They argue that this amounts to a de facto secret trial. The court adjourned several times but failed to give an explanation. At 3:00 p.m. or so, the court adjourned for a fourth time and announced the trial would resume at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow:

@小斯在江西: 新余最新庭审状况:上午问被告人案情,三个被告人均宣告自己无罪。下午律师要求法庭解释一下旁听人员到底是怎么产生的,因为第一次开庭和第二次开庭的旁听 人员大多一样,且位置都一样,涉嫌变相秘密审判,法庭休庭数次,但没有解释这个问题,最后,下午三点多,法庭宣布第四次休庭,明天上午8 点半再开

Liu Ping's family accuses the presiding judge of lying to their face by stating that the court has already given a notice to the family on the reasons for rejecting their application for bail and that there is written record of having done so. The family denies having ever received such a notice or an explanation for the rejection:

笑死人,审判长公开当着家属的面说谎!和律师说给了家属拒绝同意取保候审的通知,还说有笔录,事实上法院根本没有给家属任何书面文件也没 有解释因为什么原因,家属在下面一直强调没有收到文书和拒绝原因,上面审判厅还在睁着眼睛说瞎话说有笔录!把我舅舅骗过去什么事也不说就 问了下姓名就叫笔录?

Lawyer Si Weijiang says on his Weibo that the indictment accuses “Liu Ping, Wei Zhongping, and Li Sihua of expressing dissatisfaction at and attacking the current social system and normal judicial activities in China.” Defense lawyers seized this point and argued that expressing dissatisfaction at the current social system is not prohibited:

刘/萍案起诉书上,指控“刘/萍等人对我国现行社会制度及正常的司法活动表示不满,并进行攻击”。遭到了辩护人的集中攻击,认为,对现行 社会制度表示不满,不行吗?警方答案是,不行。刘以聚众扰乱社会秩序罪被立案,次日以煽动颠覆罪被拘留,过二月,以非法集会被批捕,到法 院又忽多两罪名。欲加之罪!

Pu Zhiqiang also gave an interview to RFI elaborating on today's proceedings:


For more information on Liu Ping, Wei Zhongping, and Li Sihua, see:

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