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709 Family Members Accompany Lawyer to Tianjin Detention Center, Denied Opportunity to See Wang Quanzhang; Judge Also Refuses Them—Li Wenzu’s epic search for her husband is violently stopped on the 12th day

April 20, 2018

On April 19, 2018, Wang Quanzhang’s wife, Li Wenzu, and family members of 709 lawyers Wang Qiaoling, Liu Ermin, Yuan Shanshan, accompanied lawyers Lin Qilei and Xie Yang to the Tianjin Detention Center to ask to see Wang Quanzhang, but their request was denied. The following day, Li Wenzu, Wang Qiaoling, and Liu Ermin again accompanied the lawyer Xie Yang to the Tianjin Intermediate Court and submitted, according to the procedures, a request to see the judge. However, the judge did not answer the phone, and the judicial police did not allow the lawyer to enter to find the judge. Lawyer Xie Yang expressed strongly: This case has been in the court for one year and two months already, and Judge Zhou Hong is afraid to see the lawyer—what is this all about?!  

On April 4, 2018, it was still unknown whether Wang Quanzhang, the 709 arrested lawyer, was dead or alive, as he had been without contact with the outside world for 999 days. His wife, Li Wenzu, accompanied by the family of other 709 lawyers, began a walk from the Supreme People’s Court in Beijing to the Tianjin Intermediate Court in an epic search for her husband. On April 10, 2018, Beijing police officers forcibly returned her to her home in Bajiaozhongli, Shijingshan District of Beijing, where she was threatened and not allowed to leave her home.

李文足千里寻夫 被暴力阻止第12天


今天是4月20日,李文足、王峭岭、刘二敏又陪同谢阳律师来到天津市二中院提交手续、要求见法官。但是 ,谢阳律师给法官打了三次电话都没人接。他又让导诉台法官转交材料,他们拒绝转交。于是,谢阳律师准备自己进去找法官提交。但是在通向法官办公室的通道上,他被四五个法警拦下。谢阳律师强烈表达要求:起诉到法院一年两个月了,法官周虹不敢见律师,这算什么?!争执中来了十几个法警,队列整齐分坐在我们两旁。别说,这阵势没个胆量的准得吓得腿哆嗦!



但是 ,十二天过去了。还是不让律师会见王全璋,还是见不到法官。


