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Bank Account Frozen, Complaints Going Nowhere, Difficulty in Getting By: An Account by Cheng Yuan's wife, Shi Minglei, Who is “Under Suspicion of Subversion of State Power”

September 10, 2019

Shi Minglei, wife of the arrested public interest activist Cheng Yuan, has been put under residential surveillance for 50 days already, on suspicion of “subversion of state power.” Without presenting any evidence, to date, to support their criminal allegations against Shi, the authorities have frozen her bank account and confiscated items including her various identification documents, mobile phone, and computer.

As a result, she cannot live normally, make her mortgage payments, or pay tuition for her child. On August 3, Shi sent three complaint letters to the Changsha Municipal Procuratorate, the Hunan Provincial Procuratorate, and the Hunan Provincial State Security Department. Now, 37 days later, she has not received any written replies.

On September 10, Shi called Procurator Deng of the Changsha Municipal Procuratorate of Changsha City to inquire. Prosecutor Deng claimed that Shi Minglei's letter had only been forwarded to him on August 22, and the time period for replies is three months from the date of the receipt of the letter and that he would reply within that period. Shi told the procurator that State Security of Changsha had promised to lift the coercive measures against her as soon as possible, unfreeze her bank card, and return the confiscated items—but has delayed such actions repeatedly, in obvious abuse of its investigative power. The procurator said that the case is still under investigation, and that the procuratorial organ can only supervise and has no authority to handle the investigation. On the same day, the Hunan Provincial Procuratorate responded by phone saying that because the case was still under investigation, the Procuratorate had no way to handle it and suggested Shi file a complaint with the disciplinary inspection department of the public security organ. It refused to provide Shi with a written response.

In her tweets, Shi said that the complaint that she had sent to the Hunan Provincial State Security Department has been forwarded to the Letter and Visit Department, and all three complaints have received “responses.” But she was still confused: "What have I done to incur suspicion of subversion of state power? How did I subvert it? How long will my livelihood problems have to drag on before being solved? "

Cheng Yuan is one of the founders of Changsha Funeng public interest organization. He was criminally detained On July 22, 2019 by the Changsha Municipal State Security Bureau on "suspicion of subversion of state power."














我很无奈地说:“邓检你看过案情,应该知道我与此案无关,现在扣了这么大一个帽子(涉嫌颠覆国家政权罪)给我,我不认可。” 怕他挂电话,我加快语速:“刚才我想讲一下我实际的困难没机会讲,还是想你们要了解我实际的困难。长沙国安冻结了我的存款,负债可是一秒都没冻结,我现在没有正式工作,只能零星做工,找工作你说即使我有经验,搞一个这个罪名给我,哪个企业敢聘请我,还有小孩要抚养。无论是从法律上,还是从情理上都说不过去。”

我再次加快语速:“你替我想想,我每个月房贷2万5,还有物业费、社保、保险、生活费、孩子学费、信用卡,各项费用都扣款失败,我原本有公积金卡可以还房贷,现在都只能现金,扣款全部失败,我有实实在在的困难。孩子已经开学了,还没钱交下学期学费。这个搞得我十分麻烦!” 我觉得我说话像机关枪一样快。






