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Letter from the Lawyers of Zhang Xiaoyu and Xu Youchen to Henan Provincial, Municipal, and District Public Security Organs

July 24, 2014

The Henan case of Zhang Xiaoyu (张小玉) and Xu Youchen (许有臣), suspected of intentional homicide, is under investigation. Their defense lawyer Chang Weiping (常玮平) applied to the Zhongzhan District Public Security Bureau of Jiaozuo, Henan, for a meeting with his clients but was denied.  Moreover, Chang was forcibly interrogated as a witness against his clients by police, which process disqualified him from representing his clients. In this letter to Henan Provincial Public Security Department, Jiaozuo Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Zhongzhan District Public Security Branch Bureau, Zhang and Xu’s lawyers—Liu Shuqing (刘书庆), Chen Taihe (陈泰和), Li Jinxing (李金星), and Liu Jinbin (刘金滨)—allege that the Zhongzhan branch bureau, which is in charge of this case, committed illegal acts during its investigation process. The lawyers assert that these acts, including the refusal to allow a lawyer to meet with his clients, continuous violations of lawyers’ rights, and forcing a lawyer to testify as a witness against his clients, constitute illegal detention and abuse of power. Furthermore, the lawyers argue that the deceased in this case was a policeman who worked at the Zhongzhan District Public Security Branch Bureau and thus the same public security branch bureau should not handle the case because of a conflict of interest. The lawyers urge public security organs to thoroughly investigate this case in accordance with the law, fully guarantee the suspects’ legal rights, fully safeguard defense lawyers’ professional rights, and ensure the case is handled fairly.





2、7月21日下午,常玮平律师到中站公安分局了解案情,被强行要求作为证人作证,常律师依法拒绝后被采取强制措施限制离开,常玮平律师遭到变相拘禁。当日晚22时40分,办案单位中站分局又以涉嫌故意杀人为由,强制传唤讯问了常玮平律师,把其锁在铁质审讯椅上12小时无法动弹。办案单位中站分局这一做法,严重违反《刑事诉讼法》第四十六条关于“ 辩护律师对在执业活动中知悉的委托人的有关情况和信息,有权予以保密”以及《律师法》三十八条关于“律师应当保守在执业活动中知悉的国家秘密、商业秘密,不得泄露当事人的隐私。律师对在执业活动中知悉的委托人和其他人不愿泄露的情况和信息,应当予以保密”的规定。办案单位中站分局对辩护律师长时间“老虎凳”的极端违法做法,世界罕见,构成非法拘禁罪和滥用职权罪。这一丑闻,无疑严重败坏了河南公安形象。






张小玉辩护人:刘书庆律师  陈泰和律师
许有臣辩护人:李金星律师  刘金滨律师

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