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自2019年底以來,2019冠狀病毒病一直被用作限制權利的首要衛生應急理由。中國最近發表了一份關於後疫情時代世界秩序的立場文件,包括對5G和數據安全的提議[3]。這是我們觀察到的對疫情進行利用,甚至是濫用的重要趨勢。當全世界都在努力應對2019冠狀病毒病這一上世紀以來規模最大、最嚴重的全球大流行病時,我們還不能談論「後疫情」,因為我們還陷於其中。雖然疫情終將過去,但考慮到它對全世界數以百萬計的民眾、對各個行業,以及對我們工作、學習和聯絡感情的方式的影響,我想我們任何人都不能指望回到哪怕近似於病毒暴發之前的「正常狀態」 [4]

(Clockwise from upper left: Heidi Hautala, VP, European Parliament; Sharon Hom; Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director for Media Policy, European Commission; Michael O'Flaherty, Director, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA); Marie Arena, MEP and Chair of the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights; Jennifer Baker, panel moderator.)



中國是經濟和政治上的世界強國,也是全球最具影響力的國家行為者之一。三十多年來,我的組織中國人權一直致力於支持人權捍衛者和應對民間社會在中國所面臨的嚴峻挑戰。在論壇的全會開幕式上,國際人權聯盟主席愛麗絲·莫格威(Alice Mogwe)強調了中國的安全政策、人工智能部署、對面部識別攝像頭和預測分析的廣泛使用的危害,以及它們對少數民族和人權捍衛者和平行使權利的嚴重影響——事實上,這對全中國14億人和平行使權利都有嚴重影響[7]


在党國體制下,中國對這些技術的部署擁有國家安全、網絡安全和法律制度的支持,強大的警察安全機制的支持,以及強制灌輸「正確的」行為思想(即習近平思想[8])和樹立對党忠誠的全面、系統的意識形態機器的支持[9]。中國對網絡社區實行全方位的數字監控,以確保公民保持「守信」 [10]。此外,政府還建立了全國性的社會信用體系,幫助激勵民眾做出理想的社會行為[11]




鑒於西方政府和企業對網絡空間隱私問題的關注,我想指出區分規範、背景和執行實踐的重要性。中國的國內法,尤其是《網絡安全法》[18]及實施細則,納入了國際隱私規範的語言,甚至包括歐盟《通用數據保護條例》的語言,如知情同意原則、信息披露原則、信息收集和後續使用範圍,以及數據最小化原則[19]。 然而,儘管這些法律條款在形式上有規範性的規定,但我們需要結合中國以不符合國情為由,拒絕法治和國際人權標準這些「西方概念」的制度背景來進行理解[20]




瑪麗·阿雷納(Marie Arena)和愛麗絲·莫格威所提到的技術濫用,可能不僅僅是技術被別有用心之人誤用的問題,而可能是技術本身就是為了誤用而設計的。換言之,這不僅是技術的陰暗面,更是這些顛覆性的專利社交媒體技術設計的一部分。

作為與中國數字專制模式的對比,我想對已經被提及的,在隱私和數據收集、匯總和使用上造成權利問題的主流商業模式進行一些補充。瑪麗·阿雷納(Marie Arena)和愛麗絲·莫格威所提到的技術濫用,可能不僅僅是技術被別有用心之人誤用的問題,而可能是技術本身就是為了誤用而設計的。換言之,這不僅是技術的陰暗面,更是這些顛覆性的專利社交媒體技術設計的一部分。正如《大西洋月刊》執行主編阿德裡安娜·拉弗朗斯(Adrienne LaFrance)所強調的,「以臉書為首的當今社交網絡的建立初衷,就是助長讓它們如此有害的東西。這根植于它們的根本架構。」[27]事實上,越來越多的前矽谷「寵兒」開始發聲,分享他們引人警醒的反思,就算不是否定他們所建立的東西本身,也至少對其後果和影響進行了批判[28]

虛擬現實聯合創始人、計算機工程師兼音樂人賈倫·拉尼爾(Jaron Lanier)奮力呼籲社交媒體用戶刪除賬號,或者最起碼將其停用,以創造空間來探索與他人聯絡感情的其他方式,(重新)發現自己的自主性。曾經供職于穀歌的特裡斯坦·哈裡斯(Tristan Harris)警告,技術劫持著人們的思想。二人的關注點都在於拉尼爾提出的,用來描述巨型科技公司主導商業模式的「BUMMER」一詞,即「改變用戶行為,使其成為可以租用的寶庫」(behaviors of users modified and made into an empire for rent)[29]。神經科學研究人員已經敲響了算法引發的社交媒體成癮問題的警鐘,而這正是BUMMER的目標——更多的增長,更多的參與和點擊會帶來更多的收益。有批評者還指出,在英語裡,「user」(用戶)一詞其實只用於兩個範疇:毒品和互聯網[30]。有趣的是,社交媒體平臺或工具的開發者在被問及是否允許他們的孩子使用這些工具時,他們的回答是「不」,至少在兒童或青少年階段不行。我認為這應該引起我們的警覺[31]

不過,我並不是在提出停止使用所有新技術的盧德主義論調,也不是說這些巨型科技公司在擴大表達自由空間或獲取更多信息方面沒有做出良好貢獻。但正如尤瓦爾·赫拉利(Yuval Harari)所言:「既然領導技術革命的公司和企業家會理所當然地歌頌他們的創造,那麼社會學家、哲學家和歷史學家就應該……敲響警鐘,闡釋這些發明可能引發大問題的所有情形。」我想補充的是,人權學者、活動人士、政策制定者以及我們所有人,都有責任保持批判性的警惕,審視這些技術的發展、使用和影響,並重新設想其他更有利於權利賦予的模式。


在馬克·紮克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的2017年「宣言」之後,臉書發起了一場大規模的社交工程實驗,打造了現在已有超過16.9億用戶的在線互聯社區,讓他們全都在擁有選擇和自主性的錯覺下在網上互動。用戶甘願放棄的大量數據以及基於這些數據對行為的算法操控,就是被販賣的利潤巨大的產品。但這個在線「社區」也遭受著錯誤信息、假新聞、網絡欺淩和謾駡、陰謀論以及放大和傳播這一切的信息回音室的禍患。












但縱觀快速發展的當下,符合人道主義的技術是否可能?我們如何以一種有意義的方式讓人類尊嚴、自主性與選擇重歸中心?還可以探索哪些商業模式?由幾位前矽谷科技開發者和專家成立的人道技術中心(Center for Humane Technology)正專注於就這些技術的風險和危害提高認識的公眾教育、支持行業文化的變革並為政策選擇獻計獻策[40]。但歸根結底,我們是否應該繼續讓私營部門乃至巨型科技公司控制局面,主導我們思考技術的方式?







[1] For information on the Forum, see; video (1:08:39-1:28:03; 2:01:35-2:04:49; 2:09:49-2:12:55; 2:22:03-2:22:56): panel was moderated by Jennifer Baker. Other panelists, in order of speaking were: Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director for Media Policy, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission; Michael O'Flaherty, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA); Marie Arena, Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights; Eliska Pirkova, Europe Policy Analyst, Access Now; and Heidi Hautala, Vice-President, European Parliament.

[2] As described on its homepage, “[t]he EU-NGO Human Rights Forum will provide an essential platform to elaborate recommendations on how the EU can further foster human rights compliance in the digital sphere and seize the potential of new technologies to promote the protection of human rights for all. It will also represent an opportunity to create or strengthen international multistakeholder networks.”

[3] “China Publishes Position Paper of the People's Republic of China On the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, September 10, 2020,; and “Global Initiative on Data Security,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, September 8, 2020,

[4] However, while the rest of the world suffers enormous human costs, China’s tech giants and CEOs in a range of sectors have been doing really well during the year of COVID-19.  Thanks to the pandemic, China’s e-commerce, health care industries, food delivery services, vaccine developers, and PPE producers contributed to enormous increase in personal wealth. As recently reported in Forbes, the top 400 richest individuals in China include: Jack Ma, Alibaba founder (net worth $65.6 billion); Pony Ma, CEO of Tencent, (net worth $55.2 billion), and Wang Xing, CEO of Meituan-Dianping, a home delivery service (net worth $22.5 billion, after a quadruple increase during COVID-19). Russell Flannery, “China’s 400 Richest 2020: Total Wealth Surges Amid Pandemic,” Forbes, November 4, 2020,

[5] See Diamandis, Peter H. and Kotler, Steven, The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives, Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2020.  The convergence of independent lines of accelerating technology (e.g. AI) with other lines of technology (e,g, augmented reality) at an ever-increasing rate has turbo-boosted both the rate and scale of major transformations across all fields.

[6] AI programs are even learning beyond human capacity or guidance. Yuval Harari cites an example of Google’s AlphaZero that used the latest machine learning principles to self-learn chess by playing against itself.  It won twenty-eight games and tied seventy-two against the champion program, Stockfish8. “AlphaZero went from utter ignorance to creative mastery in four hours, without the help of any human guide.” Harari, Yuval, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Vintage, 2019, p.44.

[7] EU-NGO Forum 2020, Plenary opening session (Alice Mogwe from 21:00 to 28:28), December 9, 2020, HRIC has been an active member of the FIDH for decades and appreciates Alice Mogwe for highlighting the China challenges in her high-level remarks.

[8] Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era, now enshrined in the State and Party Constitutions of China. Constitution of the Communist Party of China, October 24, 2017,

[9] Ideological requirements also appear in multiple laws, including the National Security Law, the Cybersecurity Law, for example, Art. 6 of the Cybersecurity Law requires the state to promote “honest, healthy and civilized network conduct…[and] dissemination of core Socialist values.” (Emphasis added.) 中華人民共和國網絡安全法 (Cybersecurity Law), Cyberspace Administration of China, November 7, 2016, Art. 13 of the Internet News Information Service Management regulations require that internet news services should persist in the direction of serving the people and serving Socialism, persist in the orientation of correct public opinion, play the role of public opinion supervisor, …” (Emphasis added.) Regulations on Administration of Internet News Information Services, The Press Office of the State Council and Ministry of Information Industry, September 25, 2005,

[10] Internet service providers are required to build user credit systems and provide different access to services and functions based upon user credit. For example, In the Post and Comment Provisions, service providers are required to “carry out credit assessments of users’ conduct, “to blacklist “seriously untrustworthy” users and to prohibit users form re-registering once they have been blacklisted.  Art. 9

[11] “國務院關於印發社會信用體系建設規劃綱要(2014—2020年)的通知,” The State Council of the People’s Republic of China, (issued June 14, 2014),  According to the State Council Notice concerning Issuance of the Planning Outline for the Construction of a Social Credit System (2014-2020)”[11] (issued June 14, 2014), the goal is “by 2020, basically having established fundamental laws, regulations and standard systems for social credit, basically having completed a credit investigation system covering the entire society with credit information and resource sharing at the basis, basically having completed credit supervision and management systems, having a relatively perfect credit service market system, and giving complete rein to mechanisms to encourage keeping trust and punish breaking trust.”“國務院關於印發社會信用體系建設規劃綱要(2014—2020年)的通知,” The State Council of the People’s Republic of China, (issued June 14, 2014),

[12] Kristin, Shi-Kupfer, and Mareike, Ohlberg, “China’s Digital Rise: Challenges for Europe,” MERICS, April 8, 2019,

[13] Cook, Sarah, “China’s Ever-Expanding Surveillance State,” Freedom House, April 30, 2018,

[14]  Roger Creemers, “The Chinese Dream Infuses Socialism with Chinese Characteristics with New Energy,” China Copyright and Media, May 6, 2013,

[15] “到2035年我國將建成文化強國,” The State Council of the People’s Republic of China, November 3, 2020,; “Position Paper of the People's Republic of China
On the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, September 10, 2020,; Stephen Chen, “China claims quantum leap with machine declared a million times greater than Google’s Sycamore,” South China Morning Post, September 11, 2020,

[16] See Naomi Wilson, “China Standards 2035 and the Plan for World Domination—Don’t Believe China’s Hype,”  Council on Foreign Relations, June 3, 2020,

[17] Danielle Cave, Samantha Hoffman, Alex Joske, Fergus Ryan and Elise Thomas, “Mapping China’s Technology Giants,” Australian Strategic Policy Institute International Cyber Policy Centre, Report No. 15, 2019,

[18] Cybersecurity Law, op. cit.

[19] ibid, Arts. 40 - 44.

[20] “國務院關於印發社會信用體系建設規劃綱要(2014—2020年)的通知,” The State Council of the People’s Republic of China, June 14, 2014,

[21] See e.g. MIIT, “Notice of Cleaning Up and regulating the Internet Access Service Market,” Cyberspace Administration of China, January 17, 2017,

[22] Cybersecurity Law, op. cit. Art. 24.

[23] Cybersecurity Law, op. cit. Art. 37.

[24] Shelly Banjo, and Lulu Yilun Chen, “Digital Dissidents Are Fighting China’s Censorship Machine,” Bloomberg Business, June 4, 2019,; Leta Hong Fincher, “China’s women movement has not only survived an intense crackdown, it’s grown,” The Guardian, March 7, 2019,; Suyin Haynes, “Author Leta Hong Fincher Shows Why the World Should Pay Attention to China’ Feminists,” TIME, November 14, 2018,

[25] See “Dozens arrested during Hong Kong peaceful protest against national security laws,” The Guardian, June, 29, 2020,; and Tony Cheung , Natalie Wong and Kimmy Chung, “Hong Kong leader delays legislative elections, asks Beijing to resolve legal questions, citing coronavirus pandemic dangers,” South China Morning Post, July 31, 2020,

[26] I am using Silicon Valley as short-hand to refer to the giant technology companies based in the U.S. and the enormous concentration of economic power they wield.

[27] Adrienne LaFrance, Facebook is a Doomsday Machine, The Atlantic, December 15, 2020,

[28]  "The Social Dilemma,” directed by Jeff Orlowski, Exposure Labs, Argent Pictures and The Space Program, Netflix, 2020,

[29] Jaron Lanier, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Henry Holt and Company, 2018.

[30] "The Social Dilemma,” op. cit.

[31] ibid.

[32] Shoshana Zuboff’s term, see Shoshana Zuboff, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power, Profile Books, 2019.

[33] Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, op. cit.

[34] See Pew Research Centre article that 97% of tweets in the U.S came from 10% of users “National Politics on Twitter: Small Share of U.S. Adults Produce Majority of Tweets,” Pew Research Centre, October 23, 2019,; and that political debates have become less respectful, less fact-based, substantive, Adrian Shahbaz, “The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism: Fake news, data collection, and the challenge to democracy,” Freedom House, 2018,

[35] EU-NGO Forum 2020,; and “22nd EU-NGO Human Rights Forum - the impact of new technologies on human rights,” European Union External Action, December 11, 2020,

[36] See e.g. “China’s Algorithms of Repression: Reverse Engineering a Xinjiang Police Mass Surveillance App,” Human Rights Watch, May 1, 2019,

[37] “China Puts Rights Lawyers, Families, Under House Arrest on Human Rights Day,” Radio Free Asia, December 10, 2020,; “China crackdown on rights lawyers ‘shocking’: Rights expert,” Aljazeera, December 16, 2020,; and Owen Churchill, “China is global leader in imprisoned journalists for a second consecutive year, watchdog group finds,” South China Morning Post, December 15, 2020,

[38] The survey revealed that an unfavorable opinion of China has increased significantly over the past year and that a majority of the people in all the countries surveyed, including Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States now holds a negative view of China. This represents the highest points of unfavourability toward China in more than a decade since the topic has been surveyed. Laura Silver, Kat Devlin, and Christine Huang, “Unfavorable Views of China Reach Historic Highs in Many Countries,” Pew Research Center, October 6, 2020,

[39] “Too Soon to Concede the Future: The Implementation of The National Security Law for Hong Kong--An HRIC White Paper,” Human Rights in China, October 16, 2020,

[40] The Center for Humane Technologies,

[41] Facebook is a Doomsday Machine, op. cit.

[42] Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, op. cit. p.2

錯誤 | Human Rights in China 中国人权 | HRIC

