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First Meeting with Su Changlan Since the Verdict

April 9, 2017

On the morning of April 6, after the verdict was announced on March 31 in her trial, Su Changlan was finally permitted to meet with her lawyer for the first time. Su told her lawyer that although she had predicted the verdict, after it was announced she felt angry and upset. Moreover, she believes that first, the loss of her job and, later, the guilty conviction, were reprisals for her being involved in defending village land rights. Su and her lawyer discussed appointing a defense lawyer for the appeal, and that afternoon her lawyer went to Foshan Intermediate Court to submit the appeal and request that the Guangdong Provincial High Court hold an open and public hearing for the second-instance trial.

Su Changlan’s husband, elder brother, and mother-in-law all lost contact with the outside world shortly after the verdict was announced, and at the time of meeting with her lawyer Su still had not received any information about them; Su feels extremely shocked by this.








