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暴行未止,北京冬奥开幕: 243全球团体呼吁就人权问题采取行动



人权观察中国部主任索菲・理查森(Sophie Richardson)表示:“在主办国政府犯下了多项违反国际法的严重罪行之际,冬奥怎有能像国际奥林匹克委会所称的那样,成为一股‘善的力量’。”



“在北京举办冬奥会向世界发送了一个讯息,即习近平政府是正常的,” 中国人权捍卫者网络(Chinese Human Rights Defenders)执行长任磊(Renee Xia)说。“当世界合理化这样的人权侵害现况,受害者要站出来抗议不公就更难了。”


  • 在新疆(维吾尔地区)将数百万维吾尔族和其他突厥裔族群体任意拘禁、施加酷刑和强迫劳动;
  • 严重破坏香港的独立媒体、民主机构和法治;
  • 使用高科技监控系统,使当局能够追踪和不公平起诉和平行为,包括在微信和其他应用程序转传的批评言论;
  • 起诉代表弱势团体行使言论自由、和平集会和结社权利的人士,包括律师许志永和丁家喜、公民记者张展、西藏僧侣作家果・喜饶嘉措(Go Sherab Gyatso),及隶属“长沙富能”集团的公共卫生活动人士;以及
  • 任意拘禁、酷刑拷打、强迫失踪人权捍卫者,包括高智晟和郭飞雄。

“奥运会的壮观场面掩盖不了种族灭绝,” 维吾尔人权项目(Uyghur Human Rights Project)执行主任乌麦尔・卡纳特(Omer Kanat)说。“很难理解竟有人觉得今年在北京表彰国际友谊和‘奥林匹克价值观’是可能的。”


此外,国际奥委会显然对宣称过的人权承诺毫不在意。国际奥委会主席巴赫(Thomas Bach)参加了中国政府的一项宣传活动,活动旨在洗白三届奥运会选手彭帅提出的性侵指控。国际奥委会一直不愿与终止维吾尔强迫劳动联盟(End Uyghur Forced Labor)会面,并让其成员穿着由一家据可靠来源指称使用强迫劳动的公司所制作的制服。

“国际奥委会声称体育和政治不能混为一谈,但利用2008年北京奥运会图谋自己的政治利益的国家正是中国政府,” 国际声援西藏运动(International Campaign for Tibet)副主席布琼・次仁(Bhuchung K. Tsering)表示。“居于西藏的西藏人冒着风险向世人揭露这件事,但国际奥委会恍若未闻。即将到来的北京冬奥会是一个独特的机会,国际奥委会和各国政府可以借此赋予他们的运动员发声的权力,向中国当局施压,要求其遵守国际规则。”



中国人权(Human Rights in China)执行主任谭竞嫦(Sharon Hom)表示:“我们敦促各国政府向正在狱中或被拘禁的人权捍卫者发出支持的讯息,他们正为倡导改革、捍卫他人权利,或仅因讨论如何增进中国公民社会付出巨大代价。”


“抱持奥林匹克理想的运动员不应该在无所不在的监视、言论或信仰自由的压制,以及不安全的人权环境中参加冬奥会,” 对华援助协会(ChinaAid)主席傅希秋说。


“中国政府实施暴虐罪行且不受制裁,这项残酷的现实应能迫使国际奥委会、赞助商和其他与冬奥会有关的机构质疑,本次奥运会是否将合法化严重暴行,并任其延续下去,” 世界维吾尔代表大会(World Uyghur Congress)主席多里坤・艾沙(Dolkun Isa)说。“没有人想看到同样的奥运会再度上演。”


For Human Rights Watch, in Washington, DC, Sophie Richardson, (English, Mandarin): +1- 202-612-4341; or +1-917-721-7473 (mobile); or Twitter: @SophieHRW For Human Rights Watch, in New York, Minky Worden (English, Cantonese, German): +212- 216-1250; or Twitter: @MinkysHighjinks
For Chinese Human Rights Defenders, Renee Xia, (Mandarin, English): +1-863-866-1012; @reneexiachrd
For Uyghur Human Rights Project, in Washington DC, Peter Irwin (English, German): +1-646- 906-7722; or Twitter: @PeterIrwin_
For International Campaign for Tibet, in Washington, DC, Ashwin Verghese (English):
For Human Rights in China, in New York, Mi Ling Tsui (English, Mandarin, Cantonese): +1- 212-239-4495; or Twitter: @hrichina
For ChinaAid, in Washington, DC, Bob Fu (English, Mandarin): contact +1(432)553-1080; or Twitter: @BobFu4China
For World Uyghur Congress, in Munich, Zumretay Arkin (English, French, Uyghur): +49 176 6161 9262; or @ZumretErkin


  1. 6.12 Manchester Working Group
  2. ACAT Belgium
  3. Adas Israel Social Action Committee
  4. Alberta Uyghur Association
  5. All Citizenship Compact
  6. Alliance for Vietnam's Democracy
  7. ALTSEAN-Burma
  8. American Alliance for Automotive Corporate Social Responsibility
  9. Amigos del Tibet Chile
  10. Anti-China Expansion Movement
  11. Anti-Slavery International
  12. Army of Survivors
  13. ARTICLE 19
  14. Asociación Cultural Tibetano-Costerricense
  16. Athenai Institute
  17. Athlete Activist
  18. Athlete Ally
  19. Australia Tibet Council
  20. Australian Centre for International Justice
  21. Australian East Turkestan Association
  22. Australian Uyghur Association
  23. Australian Uyghur Tangritagh Women's Association
  24. Austria Uyghur Association
  25. Bauhinias For Freedom
  26. Bay Area Friends of Tibet
  27. Be Slavery Free
  28. Belgium Uyghur Association
  29. [Redacted For Anonymity]
  30. Bloc 8406 International
  31. Blue Crescent Humanitarian Aid Association
  32. Campaign For Uyghurs
  33. Captive Nations Coalition of the Committee on Present Danger: China
  34. China Against the Death Penalty
  35. China Human Rights Defenders
  36. ChinaAid
  37. Chinese Democracy And Human Rights Alliance
  38. Christian Coalition for Uyghur Freedom
  39. Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
  40. Citizen Power Initiatives for China
  41. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
  42. Comitato Lady Lawyer Village
  43. Comité de Apoyo al Tíbet CAT
  44. Congregation Beth Ora
  45. Consortium for Intersectional Justice
  46. Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience
  47. Corporate Accountability Lab
  48. CSW
  49. Czech Support Tibet
  50. Dawn of HongKong
  51. Den norske uyghur komiteen
  52. Dialogue China
  53. Dominican Sisters Grand Rapids
  54. Dutch Uyghur Human Rights Foundation
  55. East Turkestan Press and Media Association
  56. East Turkestan Union of Muslim Scholars
  57. East Turkistan Association in Finland
  58. East Turkistan Association of Canada
  59. [Redacted For Anonymity]
  60. East Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association
  61. East Turkistan Entrepreneur Tradesmen and Industrialists Businessmen Association
  62. East Turkistan Human Rights Watch Association
  63. East Turkistan New Generation Movement
  64. East Turkistan Nuzugum Culture and Family Association
  65. East Turkistan Sports and Development Association
  66. East Turkistan Union in Europe
  67. Eastern Turkistan Foundation
  68. Emgage Action
  69. Equality League
  70. European East Turkistan Education Association
  71. Family Research Council
  72. FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights
  73. FIDU - Italian Federation for Human Rights
  74. [Redacted For Anonymity]
  75. Finnish Uyghur Culture Center
  76. Football Supporters Europe
  77. Frankfurt Stand With Hong Kong
  78. Free Tibet
  79. Free Uyghur Now
  80. Freedom House
  81. Freedom Ummah
  82. Friends of Hong Kong Calgary
  83. Friends of Tibet Bulgaria
  84. Front Line Defenders
  85. [Redacted For Anonymity]
  86. Germany Stands with Hong Kong
  87. Global Alliance for Tibet & Persecuted Minorities
  88. Global Athlete
  89. Global Peace Mission (GPM) Malaysia
  90. Grupo de Apoio ao Tibete-Portugal
  91. Havurat Shalom
  92. [Redacted For Anonymity]
  93. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
  94. Hong Kong Committee in Norway
  95. Hong Kong Democracy Council
  96. Hong Kong Watch
  97. Hong Kongers in San Francisco Bay Area
  98. Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V.
  99. HOPE not hate
  100. Human Rights Foundation
  101. Human Rights in China
  102. Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa
  103. Human Rights Watch
  104. Human Rights Without Frontiers
  105. Human Trafficking Search
  106. Humanitarian China
  107. Ilham Tohti Initiative
  108. Indonesia Save Uyghur
  109. International Campaign for Tibet
  110. International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse In China (ETAC)
  111. International Pen Uyghur Center
  112. International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)
  113. International Society for Human Rights
  114. International Support for Uyghurs
  115. International Tibet Network
  116. International Union of East Turkistan Organizations
  117. International Uyghur Human Right and Democracy Foundation
  118. Isa Yusup Alptekin Foundation
  119. Islamic Community Milli Gorus
  120. Islamic Information Services Foundation
  121. Japan Uyghur Association
  122. Jewish Community Relations Council/American Jewish Committee Detroit
  123. Jewish Movement for Uyghur Freedom
  124. Jewish World Watch
  125. Judicial Reform Foundation
  126. Justice For All
  127. Justice for Uyghurs
  128. Lady Lawyer Foundation
  129. Lantos Foundation for Human Rights & Justice
  130. [Redacted For Anonymity]
  131. LICADHO
  132. Louise Xin Group
  133. LUNGTA - Actief voor Tibet
  134. Malaysia Consultative Council of Islamic Organization (MAPIM)
  135. Malaysia4Uyghur
  136. Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations
  137. Minaret Foundation
  138. Minh Van Foundation
  139. Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
  140. Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM)
  141. National Clergy Council
  142. Netherlands for Hong Kong
  143. Norwegian Uyghur Committee
  144. Omer Uygur Foundation
  145. Overseas Liaison Office Representative for The Interfaith Council in Vietnam
  146. Peace Catalyst International
  147. Perth Anti-CCP Association
  148. Power of Sport Lab / Athletes for Human Rights
  149. People for Successful Corean Reunification (PSCORE)
  150. Religious Freedom Institute
  151. René Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights
  152. Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
  153. Santa Barbara Friends of Tibet
  154. Satuq Bugrakhan Foundation of Science and Civilization
  155. Silk Road Peace Project
  156. SoCal Students for Uyghur Justice
  157. Society for Threatened Peoples
  158. Society Union of Uyghur National Association
  159. Stand with HK@JPN
  160. Stand with Hong Kong Vienna
  162. Stefanus Alliance International
  163. [Redacted for Anonymity]
  164. Stop Uyghur Genocide UK
  165. Stop Uyghur Genocide Australia
  166. Stop Uyghur Genocide Canada
  167. Students for a Free Tibet – Denmark
  168. Students for Free Tibet – Japan
  169. Students For Liberty – Myanmar
  170. Sweden Uyghur Education Union
  171. Swedish Tibet Committee
  172. Swiss Tibetan Friendship Association
  173. Switzerland East Turkestan Association
  174. Sydney Uyghur Association
  175. Taiwan Association for China Human Rights
  176. Taiwan Association for Human Rights
  177. Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada
  178. Temple Shalom
  179. Thailand and Hong Kong Together
  180. The Army of Survivors
  181. The Community Human Rights Promotion and Protection Association (ACPDH)
  182. The Norwegian Tibet Committee
  184. The Tibet Support Committee, Denmark
  185. The Viet Democratic Side's International Forum
  186. Tibet Action Institute
  187. Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V.
  188. Tibet Justice Center
  189. Tibet Mx
  190. Tibet Solidarity
  191. Tibet Support Group Ireland
  192. Tibetan Community in Britain
  193. Tibetan Parliament in Exile
  194. Tibetan Youth Association in Europe
  195. Transparency International Deutschland e.V.
  196. Tso Pema Non-Profit
  197. Uigur Society of the Kyrgyz Republic
  198. Uigurische Gemeinde Österreich
  199. Umer Uyghur Trust
  200. Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam
  201. United Council of Vietnamese Homeland and Overseas
  202. universitet Sulayman Demirel
  203. Uyghur Academy Australia
  204. Uyghur Academy Canada
  205. Uyghur Academy Europe
  206. Uyghur Academy Foundation
  207. Uyghur Academy Japan
  208. Uyghur Academy USA
  209. Uyghur American Association
  210. Uyghur Association of Victoria
  211. Uyghur Center for Human Rights and Democracy
  212. Uyghur Cultural and Education Union in Germany
  213. Uyghur Education Union
  214. Uyghur Human Rights Project
  215. Uyghur Projects Foundation
  216. Uyghur Refugee Relief Fund
  217. Uyghur Research Institute
  218. Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project
  219. Uyghur Science and Civilization Research Foundation
  220. Uyghur Support Group Netherlands
  221. Uyghur Transitional Justice Database
  222. Uyghur U.K. Association
  223. Uyghur Youth Union in Kazakhstan
  224. Uzbekistan Uyghur Culture Center
  225. Verein der Tibeter in Deutschland
  226. Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
  227. Victoria Uyghur Association
  228. Vietnamese Community of Pomona Valley
  229. Visual Artists Guild
  230. We The Hongkongers
  231. [Redacted For Anonymity]
  232. Women's Rights Without Frontiers
  233. World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
  234. World Uyghur Congress Foundation
  235. (美国)民主中国阵线
  236. 加拿大价值守护者联盟
  237. 台灣聯合國協進會
  238. 民主中華傳媒
  239. 民主黨洛杉磯委員會
  240. 洛杉矶中国民主平台
  241. 自由中國
  242. 自由雕塑公園
  243. 華人基督徒公義團契